The businesses today need much more than just having an app to execute the business processes effectively. The technology world is evolving at a rapid pace. Upgradation and maintenance are equally important for the websites and applications as well.

Oneway Akshar Technology LLP offers affordable website and mobile app maintenance services specifically designed to reduce your cost and enhance performance. Our website and app maintenance and upgradation services are entirely ROI-focused and help enterprises to run business with higher productivity and efficiency. The output delivered by our maintenance and support services is maximizing theperformance of the existing applications.


We cover all below services across our spectrum of support and maintenance work. The goal is simple. Reducing cost of installing altogether a new product and enhancing value and performance of the existing product. What We Offer

  • Redesigning and redevelopment of applications or websites
  • Data migration
  • Migration to newer version for optimizing performance
  • Optimizing performance of the service
  • Optimizing to comply with the changed regulatory concerns
  • All other minor and major overhaul
  • Testing and bug resolving
  • Customizing to the changed business processes
  • Third party integrations
  • Our experienced programmers also provide resolutions for any other technical issue. Our customer support and maintenance will also consider your product's affiliation and document part if required.


With years of industry experience in building customized applications, we know how we can provide you long-lasting support. We are skilled in optimizing existing systems to avoid the huge cost of making anew app. Our support and maintenance services are aimed at fulfilling all the below objectives that would have atremendously positive effect on your business.

  • Optimizing Efficiency
    We can optimize or redesign your product to increase its performance. We can turn sluggish apps into the sales-oriented robust applications.
  • Flexibility
    Why to create separate apps when you can have cross-platform applications with a single product? The developers at Oneway Akshar Technology LLP are skilled in accommodating newer requirements of your apps and increasing their flexibility and compatibility by upgrading them.
  • Higher Sales or Productivity
    Once your app is communicating and connecting with your customers in a better way, you have all chances of higher sales. You can also reduce unnecessary and unproductive operations with efficient re-modelling of the existing app.
  • Competitive Advantage
    We deliver upgradation and maintenance services to give a high leverage in the market. Your existing projects will start yielding higher and will make you taller than the competitive brands.
  • UI Optimization
    No matter how beautiful your app is, low quality of UI might hinder its sales generating ability. We optimize your existing apps for the best user experience using newest technologies and plugins. We also optimize your existing website to make them more Google friendly. Contact us if you feel your products are not delivering the desired results. We have experience of helping a large number of our clients to tackle technical bottlenecks and low-performance issues. With such high expertise in web support, we are one of the most reliable maintenance partners today for hundreds of the businesses.

Growing Your Business With Creative Website



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